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Rohit T. Aggarwala

Rohit T. Aggarwala is Director of New York City’s Office of Long-term Planning and Sustainability, which is within the Mayor’s Office of Operations. Dr. Aggarwala’s office is charged with creating a long-term sustainability plan to ensure New York City’s continued prosperity, growth, and health for the year 2030. On Earth Day, 2007 the Mayor’s Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability released PlaNYC, 127 separate initiatives that include: housing an additional 1 million New Yorkers affordably; increasing access to parks, playgrounds and open spaces; reclaiming brownfields; developing critical backup systems for our aging water network to ensure reliability; providing additional reliable power sources and upgrading our existing power plants; and reducing water pollution so we can open our waterways for recreation. 

A native of New York City, Dr. Aggarwala holds a BA, MBA, and PhD from Columbia University, as well as an MA from Queen’s College in Ontario. Prior to joining the City, he was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company, where his practice focused on transportation and telecommunications clients. During the Clinton Administration, Dr. Aggarwala worked at the Federal Railroad Administration, and currently chairs a subcommittee at the Transportation Research Board, which is part of the National Academy of Science. He is the author of several articles on transportation policy and on the history of New York City.

Photo illustration courtesy of GREENSTREET Construction

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