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Toxic Free Products

Access to and use of consumer products that do not contain chemicals at levels harmful to human health.

----►Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Campaign 
The goal for the Safer Chemicals Healthy Families (SCHF) Campaign is to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the nation’s chemicals regulation law, in the interest of the environment and the health of low-income and environmental justice communities across the country.

----►Ethnic Personal Care Products
Products marketed to black women (like hair relaxers and skin lighteners) contain some of the most toxic chemicals used by the cosmetics industry. Many cosmetics chemicals have never even been assessed for safety. More...

WE ACT's 8 Indicators of a Healthy Community

Clean Air

Affordable, Equitable Transit

Waste, Pests & Pesticides Reduction

Toxic Free Products

Good Food in Schools

Sustainable Land Use

Open & Green Space

Healthy Indoor Environments 

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